89-11-18 Ku-Ba - Hanau, West Germany, Mr. Kurdt Kobain CD 45,1
90-10-11 North Shore Surf Club  11,6
91-09-01 De Doelen (Ein Abend In Wien) - Rotterdam, Live Buzz CD 42,7
91-10-23 After The Gold Rush - Tempe, AZ 26,5
91-11-23 Vooruit - Ghent, Belgium 28,4
91-12-05 Kilburn National Ballroom - London, United Kingdom 49,7
92-10-04 Crocodile Cafe - Seattle, WA 10,3
93-01-23 Praga da Apoteose (Hollywood Rock Festival) - Rio de Janeiro 80,1
93-07-23 Roseland Ballroom (New Music Seminar) - New York, NY, I Hate Myself And I Want To Die 103
93-09-25 NBC Studios (Saturday Night Live) 7,32
94-01-07 Seattle Center Arena - Seattle, WA, Rape Me Again CD 101
94-02-14 Le Zenith - Paris, France, Last Valentine CD 108
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